As historic evangelicals at Grace Community Church, we emphasize the full, final authority of the Bible alone and the urgency of salvation from sin by God’s grace alone through faith alone in Jesus Christ alone to the glory of God alone.

We are not affiliated with any one denomination, but we cooperate and fellowship with many like-minded ministries throughout the world. Visit us today to learn more!

group of people having a Bible study

The Bible

We practice expository Bible preaching and teaching, allowing the Bible to speak for itself to today’s needs.

The text is carefully explained in relation to its original context and audience and then applied relevantly to the modern audience.


Spiritual Gifts

We believe that every true Christian receives Holy Spirit baptism upon conversion, that no two Christians must share any one gift in order to express the Holy Spirit’s work in their lives, and that all the various gifts must be exercised in careful obedience to the Bible and in deference to God’s sovereignty in distributing them.
  • We interpret the Bible from a dispensational theological perspective.
  • We believe that all human life, including that of the unborn, the elderly, and the critically ill, is sacred before God and should be treated accordingly.
  • We believe that primary leadership in the home and in the local church ought to be exercised by men, and that these men ought to act as Christ-like servants-leaders.
  • We believe that divorce and remarriage, except in cases of marital infidelity, are sinful before God. At the same time, the church is there to welcome all forgiven and penitent people—regardless of marital status.
  • We believe that each person should accept his or her biological gender as an expression of God’s image.
  • We believe that God intends marriage to be a union between one man and one woman, and that all sexual expression ought to be enjoyed within the bounds of marriage alone.
  • We take biblical church discipline seriously in the case of those in the church who steadfastly refuse the loving correction of God’s Word.
  • We desire to grow numerically only by faithfully, lovingly, urgently, and confrontationally proclaiming the pure gospel of Jesus Christ to a sinful world. We must not compromise the truth by “marketing” ourselves using a “feel-good” message which minimizes the cost of discipleship before those who are not yet a part of God‘s family.

What We Believe at Grace Community Church

  • The inspiration of the Bible, both the Old and New Testaments
  • The creation of man by the direct act of God
  • The incarnation and virgin birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
  • His identification as the Son of God
  • His vicarious atonement for the sins of mankind by the shedding of His blood on the cross
  • The resurrection of His body from the tomb
  • His power to save men from sin
  • The new birth through the regeneration by the Holy Spirit
  • The gift of eternal life by the Grace of God
  • The Rapture of the church prior to the great seven-year Tribulation
  • The return of Jesus Christ to set up His millennial kingdom on earth
For a more detailed doctrinal statement, click here.
Our Grace Community Church constitution and by-laws are available upon request.

About Us

Grace Community Church provides Bible studies, small-group discipleship, and pastoral counseling for couples, families, and individuals in Dallas, PA.

Year Established



  • Awana
  • Bible Teaching
  • Evangelical Christian
  • Church events and services
  • Biblical Counseling
  • Junior Church
  • Children’s Ministries
  • Missionaries
  • Nursery


  • Bible teaching
  • Biblical theology
  • Christian discipleship
  • Complementarian
  • Creationist
  • Dispensational
  • Evangelical/fundamental
  • Expository teaching
  • Independent
  • Premillennial